Whenever you are shopping for a brand, always make sure that you read its terms and conditions so that you can solve all the problems and queries that are bothering you. Our brand makes sure that whenever customers are buying something from us we should make their payment problems easy so that they don’t have to worry about the payments.
We accept payments through:
- PayPal
- Visa
- Mastercard.
But one thing that you should keep in mind is that we do not accept personal checks. Your details will directly be sent to the payment provider through a secured connection. In this way, your payment will be fully secured.
If you are looking for the option of canceling the order then you should contact our contact support. However, if the parcel you order is somehow dispatched by you or the order has arrived at the country’s customs then the order can not be canceled. The only option that you’re going to be left with is with receiving the parcel or returning it.
Only user’s above the age of 18 can be registered on our website and can easily transact. All the users tend to make the confidentiality of their accounts. So if you’re a minor you can not transact or register for our website.
Before shopping, keep one thing banging on your head: the prices and the products can be changed without any notice, if there are any type of errors found we will correct them as soon as possible. As you know our website contains a large number of products and the products may be mistakenly priced. As soon as we find that the prices are wrong we will immediately correct you at the point of the final payment, and if somehow we forget to do that we will return the money afterward. These are a few things that you should keep in mind before shopping.